Wednesday, March 28, 2007

We saw the Neuro

He seems to think that she may only be having seizures when she is sick in witch case she wouldn't need meds everyday. He said that the EEG showed some sparks in the left side of her brain that are indicative of seizure activity and that she had a few spikes that are common with seizure activity. He said that he didn't want to start her on daily AED's without doing some further testing so he wants to do an MRI and an at home EEG. We go Monday to get set up for the at home EEG and they are going to call with the appt for the MRI. I think the further testing is a good idea especially if there is still a question as to whether she is having seizures other than when she is sick.

He also said he would like to do a little botox in the glands in her jaw to help decrease the drooling she does. I don't know whether to do the botox or not is there anyone here that has any experience with it? If so was it a good thing or not and how much did it help?

He spent over an hour with us and was very interested in knowing as much as possible about the episodes that she has had the problem is that I only witnessed one of the episodes and it was an eye blinking episode witch he is fairly certain was a seizure that occurred while she was sick. I hope these tests show us something more.

posted by Trish_momof4 @ 5:16 PM   3 comments

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