Friday, October 06, 2006

Rodney has really made me mad He took the mechanic job witch was fine but he was looking for the bad side from day one and boy did he find it. The owner drinks on the job, promised him 1000.00 a week starting on Monday ok today is Friday and still no money well instead of cutting his losses and going somewhere else he keeps going back. He should be looking for another job he has a family to support! Well today he went in at 8:30 and no one showed up until after he left so he went back at lunch time well he knew that Shelby had PT today and that I was going to have to get her in and out of the van all by myself (for those of you that don't know I had a hurnea opperation over the summer and I'm not supposed to lift her chair alone) but instead of comming to the PT clinic and helping me he COMES HOME WTF!!!!!!!!!! Then when I get in the car I call him and ask where are you "at home" so I say thanks for think about coming to help out he says "with what" Um with Shelby duh so he says "I'm sorry" and I reply you should be I hurt myself click. When I get home he still doesn't understand can we say DUMBASS I had to unload and reload both kids and the wheelchair BY MYSELF!! Now getting it out of the van wasn't so bad because I was taking it down but when I had to lift it from the ground that is when it hurt like hell and now it is harder to move certain ways.

posted by Trish_momof4 @ 4:42 PM   1 comments

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I'm the mother of four beautiful children, husband to an awesome guy, trying to muddle my way through every day life in the South.

Location: Monroe, North Carolina

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