Wednesday, January 24, 2007

He got Shelby's valium (it's in liquid form) and was chewing the label off and then he got the lid off because someone didn't put the lid on right, well it got all over his hands and I am not sure if he drank any of it or not. So I called his doctor and they said to call poison control witch I did right away. Well I had to call the pharmacy to see how much was originally in the bottle and the concentration then we had to try to figure out how much he might have swallowed. There were 2 ounces missing so I had to take him to the pharmacy and get some activated charcoal and make him drink it.

So I went to Walgreens because they said they had the charcoal but what they had was in capsules and I was specifically told to use either powder or pellets so two of the girls called around and found some powder at the Eckards by the hospital. I drive over there and they sell me the stuff and I go over to the chairs to put it in the bottle and it didn't say how many mg it was so I go over to ask the pharmacist and he said there isn't a mg that I should just give him like a teaspoon in the bottle and I told him I had no way to measure it out and I needed to get it into Ryan right away so he yelled at me "well I'll just do it right now then" WTF I haven't don anything to this man and he is yelling at me. So he goes to mix it into a bottle I brought and says "well if it were my kid I'd go to the ER" He said that like ten times. Well Ryan isn't his kid and I called his Pediatrician that I know and trust who had me call poison control who was walking me through what to do so who the hell did he think he was telling me I was doing it wrong!!

Ryan BTW is doing just fine even though he is quite wired because of the valium. I have been in contact with the lady at poison control all afternoon and the last time I called she said that Ryan was going to be just fine that if he were going to have a severe reaction it would have happened within the first hour. She did say though that since he is so wired that when he does crash he is going to crash hard but not to worry and that I don't need to wake him or anything.

posted by Trish_momof4 @ 7:44 PM   0 comments

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I'm the mother of four beautiful children, husband to an awesome guy, trying to muddle my way through every day life in the South.

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