Monday, November 07, 2011
I kinda got away from posting here for a long time I'm not quite sure why really I guess life just got the best of me. I made this blog so I'd have a place I could put my thoughts and feelings out here without feeling the need to edit myself so here goes...........
Life has been just a bit crazy at my house these days. Justin moved back home a while back and his cousin Daniel moved in with us as well because neither of them had a place to go. It has made things hard to say the least. Daniel started a new job this morning I hope this job works out and he is able to find a place to live soon. Justin on the other hand isn't even looking for a real job he keeps making excuses I have figured out it has to be that he just doesn't want to work and I'm sick of it. They both see that we are struggling to make it financially and it doesn't seem to bother them. Justin crashed a golf cart into the drivers door of my van a few weeks ago and between the deductible and the rental van we had to have cus they had mine for 5 days it cost us over $500.00 and trust me that is money we just didn't have. I keep hoping Justin will open his eyes and realize we can't keep him up forever.
Today is Ryan's 6th birthday isn't that insane it seems like yesterday he was born and now he is 6 where did the time go. He is in kindergarten now and doing well with it and he was so excited to be able to spend his birthday with his friends at school.
Shelby is doing ok she has had so much happen since the last time I posted I don't even know where to start. Our latest thing is her Neuro just put her on a 3rd seizure med and I started seeing a bit of improvement with her myoclonis but yesterday it showed it's uglyness again. I am at a loss. I never know if I'm doing right or not. I just wish I could find someone that could wave a wand and make her all better. On the up side we found out Shel can read yes you saw right she can read! during her end of grade tests last year there were portions she had to read for herself and answer questions and she got too many right to be guessing so this year her teacher has assigned her 2 words each week and she studies those words and at the end of the week her teacher sees if she can choose the correct written word that is asked for and she has correctly chosen every time! I'm so happy and excited for my little girl. I told everyone she was smart but was trapped in a body that wouldn't work and they would give me that pity look like sure she is even if they didn't believe me well now I have some proof :)
Well I guess I've typed enough for one day I'll be back soon to post again.
posted by Trish_momof4 @
9:49 AM