Thursday, November 30, 2006

We go see Dr Watenburger on Dec 20, 2006 to see what he has to say.

You all know I have been doing a lot of research about this and quite frankly I have come to the conclusion that surgery is probably going to be her best bet.

1st of all if we brace her her muscles will atrophy and cause more problems in the long run. If the whole idea of waiting is to let her get stronger and putting her into brace is going to weaken her then she might not be stronger in a few years.

2nd I know that as of right now she is healthy as far as her actual health but I can't see into the future and I don't know that she will still be as healthy in a few years.

3rd If she is going to have to have surgery in the next few years I would rather not have to keep waiting and wondering when is the doctor going to want to do this I know this might sound bad to most of you but I tried to put off the hamstring lengthening she had to have and now I am kicking myself that I didn't let them do it sooner I also felt this way about her G-tube.

Now I'm not at all saying that I'm going to go in there and tell the Dr that I want him to do the surgery but if that is what he says is best then I think I'll be able to understand why he would want to go ahead. I am also not saying that I am no longer freaked out because I am and I hate having to make these kind of decisions. I also am not saying that I won't ask for a second opinion because this is a major thing.

I guess what I am saying is that if surgery is what she is going to need I don't know if it will be in her best interest to wait too long because she went from a 30 degree to a 52 degree curve in 5 short months and I don't want it to get so bad that it is endangering her health and causing damage to her internal organs or anything.

posted by Trish_momof4 @ 8:48 PM   0 comments

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