I will never forget the morning the neurologist came into the NICU and told me “Shelby has suffered a lack of oxygen to the brain and has hypoxic eschmic encephalopothy (HIE.) I wasn’t aware I was holding my breath with tears streaming down my face waiting for him to explain. In that moment before he spoke again I saw flashes of a beautiful baby girl doing all her firsts, babbling, rolling, sitting, crawling, steps, then I saw her going to kindergarten, on her first date, getting married, having her first baby and then I realized it wasn’t my life flashing before my eyes it was hers!
The doctor went on to say that she would probably have cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder and never mature past where she is right now. Then he said something that changed my life and I choose to live by “Take her home and love her.”
When she came home I did just that I loved her unconditionally and poured my entire self into helping her and today she can roll over, talk (even if only those closest to her can understand what she says) She has started kindergarten. Even though she has many obstacles like not being able to walk or use the potty or communicate clearly she is one of the happiest little girls I have ever known. She loves her family and friends and she has a smile that lights up any room.
So my advice is to take your child and love them, that is the true miracle.